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  • Tanker Dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea in Perpetual Change
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 26 July 2024 at 21:00

    The changing dynamics of the tanker trade in the Mediterranean Sea seem to be a constant, rather than an exception. In a recent weekly report, Poten said that the Mediterranean, or the “Med” as it is known in shipping circles, is one of the most important bodies of water in maritime history. The Mediterranean played ... […]

  • Tanker – Weekly Market Monitor: Dirty & Clean Tonne Days
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 26 July 2024 at 21:00

    This week’s chart underscores signs of a slight upward movement in the growth of dirty VLCC tonne days from the Arabian Gulf to the Far East, rebounding from the bottom low seen at the beginning of July. This positive trend is mirrored in WS rates for the MEG-China route, which recorded an uptick this week. ... […]

  • Exercise caution with ammonia switch
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 26 July 2024 at 21:00

    A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has thrown a spanner into the plan to transition ships from diesel fuel to ammonia. While ammonia offers the alluring prospect of slashing greenhouse gas emissions, MIT researchers warn that without stricter regulations, the switch could come at a cost to human health. The problem ... […]

  • Shipping: Dry Bulk Carriers Remain in High Demand
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 25 July 2024 at 21:00

    Demand for second hand dry bulk carriers remained in high demand during the past week. In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Xclusiv said that “despite the northern hemisphere approaching the “heart” of the summer, dry bulk S&P activity remains robust. Chinese buyers were quite active on the Capesize sector this week. The “Cape Mathilde” – ... […]

  • Dry Weekly Market Monitor: Russian Grain Shipments to Top Destinations
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 25 July 2024 at 21:00

    This week’s chart highlights the notable increase in the monthly volume of Russian grain shipments during the first two quarters of this year. By the end of the second quarter, shipments had risen by 15% compared to the previous quarter. Notably, Egypt emerged as the leading destination for Russian grain, accounting for 20% of the ... […]

  • EU Taxonomy for shipping: A transition to sustainability
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 25 July 2024 at 21:00

    Introduction On 21 November 2023 and following extensive consultation periods, the amendment to the Climate Delegated Act (Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 of 4 June 2021) (the Climate Delegated Act) was formally adopted by the European Commission and published in the EU Official Journal (Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2485 of 27 June 2023) (the Climate Delegated Act ... […]

  • Lack of Tonnage Plaguing the Ship Recycling Market
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 24 July 2024 at 21:00

    The lack of tonnage persisted in the ship recycling markets this past week. In its latest weekly report, Best Oasis (, the world’s leading cash buyer of ships said that “the ship recycling sectors in four key destinations faced challenges this week. In India, the industry continues to struggle with disruptions from the monsoon season, ... […]

  • Container ship fleet expands by 11%, fastest growth in 15 years
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 24 July 2024 at 21:00

    Since the beginning of the year, the capacity of the container ship fleet has increased by 1.6m TEU. Compared to one year ago, the capacity has risen 11% to 29.5m TEU, the fastest fleet growth in 15 years,” says Niels Rasmussen, Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO. During the first half of 2024, the delivery of ... […]

  • Global coal demand is set to remain broadly flat through 2025
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 24 July 2024 at 21:00

    Global coal demand is set to remain broadly unchanged in both 2024 and 2025 as surging electricity demand in some major economies offsets the impacts of a gradual recovery in hydropower and the rapid expansion of solar and wind, according to the IEA’s latest update on coal market trends worldwide. The world’s use of coal ... […]

  • Shipbuilders Reopen or Expand to Meet Growing Demand
    by hellenicshippingnews... on 23 July 2024 at 21:00

    More and more shipyards are coming back online, or are expanding their existing facilities, in order to cope with growing demand for new ships. In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Xclusiv said that “newbuilding activity remains robust with vessel deliveries extending to 2028 for bulkers, tankers, and containers, and up to 2030 for gas carriers. ... […]

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